Thursday, February 12, 2009

For advertise in our more then 600 blogs

For advertise in our more then 600 blogs

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Group blog- with multiple contributing bloggers.

Group blog- with multiple contributing bloggers.
Event blog - focussed on an event
Kittyblogger - writing about cats.
Celeblog - focused on a celebrity.
Celebriblog - maintained by a celebrity.
Clog Blog - written in Dutch and/or in Holland.
CEOBlog - run by a chief executive officer.
Plog - a project blog. Also for personalised weblogs
Movlogs - mobile video blogs.
Splog- a spam blog
Tech blog - focused on a technical subject.
Anonoblog - by an anonymous blogger
Linguablog - about linguistics, translation etc.
Metablog - a blog about blogging.
Milblog - a military blog.
Blawg - blogged by lawyer / related to legal stuff
Edu-blog - education oriented blog.
Progblog - A progressive blog.
Shocklog - provokes discussion by posting shocking content
Klog - used by company knowledge workers. by Kloggers
Blogsite - A web site that combines blog feeds from a number of different sources
Dark Blog- A non-public blog
Photocast- a photoblog that automatically updates when new photos are added.

Index page - the front page fo the blog

Index page - the front page fo the blog
Header - the topmost part of the blog usually listing the blog title.
Footer - the most bottom part of the blog usually listing navigation and copyright statements
Sidebar - One or more columns along one or both sides of most blogs main page
Categories - A collection of topic specific posts
Post, Entry- individual articles that make up a blog
Comments - enabling readers to leave their remarks
Captcha - short for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”.
Those word and letter verification images you need to type in to show you are human and not a bot. Helful to block automated spam comments.

Ping - Short for Packet Internet Grouper. Blog and ping helps to notify other blog tracking tools for updates, changes and trackbacks.

Ping - Short for Packet Internet Grouper. Blog and ping helps to notify other blog tracking tools for updates, changes and trackbacks.
Trackback - A system by which a ping is sent to another blog to notify that their article has been mentioned by you
Pingback - See trackback.
Permalink - A link to a specific article
Tags - labelling / attaching keywords to collect similar posts
Tag cloud - Displaying tags lists or keywords in a blog.
Blogroll - list of links to other blogs in your sidebar. Also see
Sideblog - A smaller blog usually placed in the sidebar of a blog.
Template - the blog presentation design
BlogThis - a function allows a blogger to blog the entry they a reading
Plugins - Small files that add improved functionality and new features. Wordpress plugins can greatly improve your blog usage and interactivity
Dashboard - When you login to your blogging account, it is the first screen with all controls, tools and functions.
Archives - a collection of all your posts on one page. Can be categorized by month etc.
Expandable post summaries - show a small teaser part of the post on the index page that link to the full post. more
Jump - the continuation of a the story on another page to preserve space on index page.
FTP - short for file transfer protocol. Transferring file to and fro from your web host using FTP tools like Filezilla

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